Our Mission:
Ensuring ICT access by people with disabilities in order to advance the development and use of mobile rehabilitation technologies that will improve adherence, engagement, and outcomes of home- based therapeutic interventions.
Ensuring ICT access by people with disabilities in order to advance the development and use of mobile rehabilitation technologies that will improve adherence, engagement, and outcomes of home- based therapeutic interventions.
Our Goal
The mRehab RERC fulfills the goals of the Rehab Act by developing, testing, commercializing, and evaluating the impact of accessible mRehab interventions and technologies that have the potential to maximize health and function of individuals with some of the most significant disabilities – those with or at risk of developing chronic health conditions.
The projects of the mRehab RERC aim to address healthcare disparities and improve access to rehabilitation services. People with disabilities are the primary beneficiaries of mRehab, which promotes health behaviors and manages specific conditions leading to improved health, function, and quality of life.
The mRehab RERC’s research is led by a diverse collaborative team of partners from the Shepherd Center, Duke University Medical Center, University of California at Irvine, Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, and mRehab ICT vendors Flint Rehab and Pt Pal. Each has a network of individuals and organizations that make significant contributions to enhancement of technology and clinical services for people with disabilities. And each has a history of involving people with disabilities in all aspects of project development.