The mRehab RERC's articles published in journals can be found here:
Swanson VA, Johnson C, Zondervan DK, Shaw S, Reinkensmeyer DJ (2023) Exercise repetition rate measured with simple sensors at home can be used to estimate upper extremity Fugl-Meyer score after stroke, under review.
Swanson VA, Johnson C, Zondervan DK, Bayus N, Mccoy P, Ng J, Schindele J, Reinkensmeyer DJ, Shaw S (2022) Optimized home rehabilitation technology reduces upper extremity impairment compared to a conventional home exercise program: A randomized, controlled, single-blind trial in subacute stroke, Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 37(1):53-65.
De Jesus Ramos Muñoz E, Swanson VA, Johnson C, Anderson RK, Rabinowitz AR, Zondervan DK, Collier GH, Reinkensmeyer DJ (2022) Using large-scale sensor data to test factors predictive of perseverance in home movement rehabilitation: optimal challenge and steady engagement, Frontiers in Neurology, vol. 13, DOI=10.3389/fneur.2022.896298
Rabinowitz, A. R., Collier, G., Vaccaro, M., & Wingfield, R. (2022). Development of RehaBot-A Conversational Agent for Promoting Rewarding Activities in Users With Traumatic Brain Injury. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000770.
Swanson V, Chan V, Cruz-Coble B, et al. A Pilot Study of a Sensor Enhanced Activity Management System for Promoting Home Rehabilitation Exercise During the COVID-19 Pandemic: User Experience, Reimbursement, and Recommendations for Implementation. Submitted to Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health.
DeRuyter F., Jones M., Morris J. (2020) Mobile Health and Mobile Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities: Current State, Challenges and Opportunities. In: Miesenberger K., Manduchi R., Covarrubias Rodriguez M., Peňáz P. (eds) Computers Helping People with Special Needs. ICCHP 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12377. Springer, Cham.
Lippincott B., Thompson N., Morris J., Jones M., DeRuyter F. (2020) Survey of User Needs: Mobile Apps for mHealth and People with Disabilities. In: Miesenberger K., Manduchi R., Covarrubias Rodriguez M., Peňáz P. (eds) Computers Helping People with Special Needs. ICCHP 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12377. Springer, Cham.
Morris, J., Thompson, N., Wallace, T., Jones, M., & DeRuyter, F. (2020). Survey of Rehabilitation Clinicians in the United States: Barriers and Critical Use-Cases for mRehab Adoption. Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 17th International Conference, ICCHP 2020, Lecco, Italy, September 9–11, 2020, Proceedings, Part II, 12377, 250–258.
Jones, M., Collier, G., Reinkensmeyer, D., DeRuyter, F., Djivak, J., Zondervan, D., Morris, J. Big Data analytics and sensor-enhanced activity management to improve effectiveness and efficiency of outpatient medical rehabilitation. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2019; 17 (3), 748;
Morris, J., Jones, M., Thompson, N., Wallace, T., DeRuyter, F. Clinician perspectives on mRehab interventions and technologies for people with disabilities in the United States: A national survey. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2019; 16, 4220; doi:10.3390/ijerph16214220
The mRehab RERC's Power Point presentations given at conferences can be found here:
Collier, G. Enabling the Future of Responsive and Precision Rehab. Presented at Rehab Week, Amsterdam NL, Jul 26, 2023
Collier, G. Data in the Wild ACRM Symposium. Accepted for ACRM. Atlanta, GA, Oct 30, 2023
Backus, D. and Collier, G. Applying a variety of models to rehabilitation data collected in the wild. Presented at DARE. Mar 4, 2023
Backus, D. and Collier, G. Enabling New Models of Care through Big Data & Technologies, Presented at ACRM, Nov 11, 2022
Backus, D. and Collier, G. Integrating Data Sources to Support Therapeutic Interventions, Presented at ACRM, Nov 11, 2022
Wong AWK, Pappadis MR, Morris JT, Bhattacharjya S, Juengst SB. Digital Health Applications in Rehabilitation: Fostering Stakeholder Engagement and Design for Inclusion. Presented at the 99th Annual Conference of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chicago, November 8-11, 2022.
Jones M, Anderson R, Collier G. Using ICT to support medical rehabilitation in the home and community. International Conference of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine. Incheon, Korea (October).
Reinkensmeyer, D. Utilizing Technology to Improve Outcomes in Rehabilitation. Invited speaker, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, September 20, 2022.
Reinkensmeyer, D. A Robotarium for Latin America. Invited presentation. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico, September 1, 2022.
Reinkensmeyer, D. Robots and Sensors for Stroke Rehabilitation: What Have We Learned and What Comes Next? Plenary Presentation, RehabWeek 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands, July 25-29, 2022.
Reinkensmeyer, D. Workshop on Digital Biomarkers and Prediction Models. Invited Speaker, RehabWeek 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands, July 25-29, 2022.
Invited Speaker, Utilizing Technology to Improve Outcomes in Rehabilitation, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 9/20/2022
Collier G, Jones M. Backus D. Emerging tools for integrating multiple data sources to support therapeutic interventions in the home and community. Presented at RehabWeek 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands, July 25-29, 2022.
Anderson R, John Morris J, Jones M, DeRuyter F. Adherence to Home Exercise Programs: Clinician Expectations and Goal Setting. Presented at RehabWeek 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands, July 25-29, 2022.
Collier, G. Advancing Analytics Practice for Rehab. Presented at Rehab Tech Summit, Remote Presentation, Mar 5, 2022
Collier, G. Big Data Concepts as Applied to the SEAM System. Presented at KARM 2022, Incheon, Korea, Oct 28, 2022
Anderson, Raeda K., Swanson, V., Rabinowitz, A., Collier, G., DeRuyter, F., Chan, V., and Reinkensmeyer, D. From app to adherence: Promoting home rehabilitation exercises for people with disabilities. Technology, Mind, and Society. Online. (November 2021).
Anderson, Raeda K., George H. Collier, Naveen Khan, and John Dzivak. Exercise adherence and exercise prescription by physical therapists, occupational therapists, as well as speech and language pathologists. Annual Conference of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Online. (September 2021).
Jones, M. Technology innovation to support MS rehabilitation. Invited presentation at the 4th Annual MS and CND Neuroimmunology Symposium, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR (Virtual), September 2021.
Anderson RK, Collier G, Khan N, Dzivak J. Getting from Start to Finish: Examination of Patient Status, Therapy Prescription, Therapy Participation, with Pain and Difficulty of Patient Likelihood of Finishing Home Therapy Exercises. Rehabilitation Research 2020: Envisioning a Functional Future Conference, October 15-16, 2020.
Jones M. mRehab: New Models of Care Using Information & Communication Technology to Support Rehabilitation in the Home & Community. Presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020 Annual Conference, October 19-24, 2020.
Jones M, DeRuyter, F, Morris, J. Promoting Accessible, Mobile Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities – The mRehab Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center. Presented at the International Conference on Computers Helping People with Disabilities, September 9-11, 2020.
Chan V, Swanson V, et al. Uptake Rates of a Sensor for Monitoring Home Exercise Programs for Physical Rehabilitation. Poster presented at ACRM 2022, Chicago, November 6-11.
Swanson VA, Johnson C, Khan N, Dzivak J, Zondervan DK, Chan V, Cowart S, Jones ML, Reinkensmeyer DJ, Uptake Rates of a Sensor for Monitoring Home Exercise Programs for Physical Rehabilitation, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2022.
Veronica A. Swanson, Christopher Johnson, Naveen Khan, John Dzivak, Daniel K. Zondervan, Vicky Chan, Sarah D. Cowart, Mike L. Jones, David Reinkensmeyer. Uptake Rates of a Sensor for Monitoring Home Exercise Programs for Physical Rehabilitation. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference. (November 6-11, 2022). Poster.
Anderson, Raeda K., George H. Collier, Naveen Khan, and John Dzivak. Big data and therapy sessions: examination of 4 million therapy sessions. Annual Conference of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Online. (September 2021). Poster.
Anderson, Raeda K., George Collier, Naveen Kahn, and John Dzivak. Getting from start to finish: Examination of patient status, therapy prescription, therapy participation, with pain and difficulty on patient likelihood of finishing at home therapy exercises. Rehabilitation Research 2020: Envisioning a Functional Future. National Institutes of Health. Online. (October 2021). Poster.
Veronica A. Swanson, Edgar Ramos D. Muñoz, George H. Collier, Daniel K. Zondervan, Amanda R. Rabinowitz, Raeda K. Anderson, Christopher Johnson, David J. Reinkensmeyer. Using large-scale sensor data to identify factors related to perseverance with home exercise. Accepted for Ann. APA Technology, Mind, and Society Conf. November 3-5, 2021. Online.
Anderson RK, Collier G, Khan N, Dzivak J. Getting from Start to Finish: Examination of Patient Status, Therapy Prescription, Therapy Participation, with Pain and Difficulty of Patient Likelihood of Finishing Home Therapy Exercises. Rehabilitation Research 2020: Envisioning a Functional Future Conference, October 15-16, 2020.
The mRehab RERC periodically self-publishes reports on data related to our user needs surveys, development projects, outreach and knowledge translation efforts and policy and regulatory filings. These reports can be found here:
Morris JT, Anderson RK, Sheehan L, Souders L, Jones M, DeRuyter F, Swanson V, Cowart D. Medicare Program; CY 2022 Payment policies under the physician fee schedule and other changes to part b payment policies; Medicare shared savings program requirements; provider enrollment regulation updates; provider and supplier prepayment and post-payment medical review requirements. Agency/Docket Number: CMS-1751-P. Submitted to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, September 13, 2021.
Comments submitted to Notice of Proposed Rule Making on Medicare Program; CY 2021 Revisions to Payment Policies under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Changes to Part B Payment Policies Agency/Docket Number: CMS-1734-P. Submitted electronically to, Comment Tracking Number: 1k4-9jcj-sz7q
Tools, Measures and Instruments
Piyashi Biswas, Daniel Nguyen, Veronica Swanson, and Jacob Wikert. Unemployment Rate Equity for Citizens with a Disability. SoCalRUG Data Science Hackathon: R and How It is Being Used in Data Science, Data Analysis, Visualization, Data Mining, Predictive Analytics and Beyond. April 2-3, 2022. Awarded Best Insight.
Multi-phase protocol for exploratory implementation of a Sensor Enhanced Activity Management (SEAM) system that combines home exercise program (HEP) management software with a movement sensor for monitoring and motivating HEP adherence. Protocol includes evaluation of clinician acceptance/ease of use and billing and reimbursement experiences by medical center staff for home use of the system with therapist oversight using Remote Physiologic Monitoring (RPM) codes.